د.  صبرى فوزى جوهرة

  2 مايو  2005

صفحة كُتاب الأقباط متحدون


Conversion of Coptic Women to Islam


The news from Egypt bring us stories of an increasing number of young women especially, and to a lesser extent young men, to Islam.
While this has already been the case for a long time, the recent months have shown an acceleration of this trend. This has been perhaps especially so since the famous incident of the miserable Wafaa Costantine. This is also a part of the war of attrition being waged against  the Copts to end their existence in the very country that they took their name from. The conversion of a person from one faith to another is certainly one of man's basic freedoms.Yet the way the conversions of the increasing number of Coptic women, and at least one handicaped young man, has not only taken an epidemic proportions, but is being done against the  will of the victims, using coersion, deception, blackmail, and outright illigal means. Worse than all of this, however, is the inevitable
biased intervention of the Egyptian so called "State Security Forces." Always in favor of Islam, regardless to the illegality of the process.  This very attitude of the Egyptian authorities was, and is, the reason behind the increasingly frequent and loud protests of the Copts against what they consider as excessive humiliation and violation of their human rights at the hands of the by fanatic Moslems, and with the blessing of the Egyptian government that is supposed to protect and dispense justice to them as rightful Egyptian citzens.
The current recent surge of forced conversions is being encouraged and financially supported by forces outside Egypt. Monetary  compensation is being paid to each team that suceeds in converting a Coptic woman. I say team because the process involves many individuals  who share and distribute the monetary rewards among themselves. A recent confession of a reformed Moslem fanatic who apparently  participated in several of these conversions states this clearly.
The same person mentioned an amazing and unbelievable number of tricks and deceptions he and his "team" used to trap their victims. 
Among these acts were the establishment of pseudo-romantic relations, blackmailing with photos taken with the victim in compromised situations often under the effects of drugs, the exploitation of unhappy family life, marital discord and quarels, luring poor victims with money,  outright abductions sometimes of minors or handicapped persons, false promises by the Moslem pursuer/deceptor to emmigrate and convert to Christianity after the woman converts and marries him, as well as brain washing sessions especially after the actual conversion to Islam.
The role of the so called State Security Forces in these sad and illigitimate acts is prominent and varied. As I mentioned above, the State Security Forcesare invariably interfere and the interventionis always in favor of Islam and not justice or fairness. It is always aimed at keeping the victims from going back to their families and faith. This is done regardless of the victims pleas and the attempts of the families to retrieve their lost children.  Their tactics include, among other things, preventing the victims from contacting their families when they realize that they committed a mistake by converting, and express the desire to go back, neglecting the legitimate requests of the families to see the victims, intimidation of the familes, and the provision of false official documents and witnesses in case the issue is brought to a court of justice.
The Egyptian state has therefore breached its contract with the Copts to protect them and render justice to them as citizens of Egypt.
This one sided breach frees the Copts to take their case to the international community and organiztions concerned about the violations of the human rights. They can do this while they continue to fight the corrupt Egyptian system from within. Peaceful demonstrations, hunger strikes, resorting to a dubious justice system, and the evocation of the decent and patriotic Egyptian Moslems to extend their support to them. It is time for the Copts, inside and outside Egypt, to establish a legal and human rights defense fund. This can recruit competent Egyptian Moslem and Coptic lawyers to take the cases of these helpless and poor victims to the Egyptian courts. The Diaspora Copts can do the same with the international organizations. It is crucial not only to follow each case individually, but to do so until every case is resolved in a fair and just way. We are not talking about Copts who choose to convert to Islam with their free will, but about those who fall victims of deception and illegal means, and certainly any convert to wishes to revert to his or her Christian faith and can't because of the overwhelming power of the state.
The current regime appears to be in its last throws. Historically, such times in the bring to the Copts increasing burdens of an already existing  background of persecution. The regime is busy trying to survive. This, and a long standing policy of persecuting the Copts make it clear that any reform or relieve of this persecution will only come with the moribund system is pressured.
Sabry Fawzy Gohara, M.D., FRCSC
Assistant Professr of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
medical College of Ohio, Toledo USA

E-Mail: info@copts-united.com

Copts United

لأقباط متحدون