د.  صبرى فوزى جوهرة

  23 مايو  2005

صفحة كُتاب الأقباط متحدون


Professor General Bolbol Bebawi


Professor General Bolbol Bebawi, otherwise known as the Dean of the Faculty of Boot Licking, Momarak University, Cairo, Egpt, came up with one of his many pearls. It was published in the May 19, 2005 issue of the electronic version of the wortheless newspaper AL-Ahram. I am copying the concluding paragraph of His Excellency's article in which he praises one of his masters and presumably ex-esboss, when he was still an active police officer, the Egyptian minister of interior, Habib El Adly, the master who controls the Mobarak regime "State Security" and the official responsible for setting free of all the criminals who slaughter the Copts through the collusion of his agents with those very criminals.

The distinguished (police) General Bolbol Bey, added to his own importance and "responsiblities" the authority to speak for "all the Egyptian Nation" when he commanded his ex boss and his henchmen for their "firm and serious" actions against those (presumably Egyptians) who demonstrate in the streets without a previous authorization from the demigods of Lazoghli (I assume where such licenses are supposed to be issued)). His professoreship also decreed that all such non authorized demonstors are being paid by "foreign organizations" . But avoided being specific about the exact identities of these sources, perhaps because the only one perhaps is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where he has many emotional and perhaps other connections.

The thousands of citizens from all walks of Egyptian life and sectors of the Egyptian society are now pronounced by our distinguished general/professor/ international law jurist, to be "foreign agents" demonstrating against the heavenly inspired current, and perhaps dying regime.

Very bad times for those Egyptians who don't get their checks from Saudi Arabia. They should stop their demonstrations so that they don't undermine their "county's stability" if they dare demonstrating without obtaining General El Adly's permission to go out in the streets objecting his acts of oppression. And if they dare, they will be thrown in jail for conspiring against Egypt's safety and stability. Of course we are not talkig about their Egypt, we are talking about El Adly and Bolbol Bebawi's Egypt.

Dear professor general, the best thing you can do is to be honest with yourself. Difficult for you to do and perhaps even impossible, but give it a try. May be you can redeem yourself to yourself. All the other Egyptians have irreversibly given up on you and read your writings for entertainment only. Your credibility among everyone else in the country is not much better than Abo Lam3a El Assly. Please shut up. Not for Egypt sake but for your own.

Sabry Fawzy Gohara, M.D., FRCSC
One of the many Egyptian Americans whose tax money support paying your salary

لذلك فاني أوجه التحية من كل الشعب المصري للوزير حبيب العادلي ورجاله في وزارة الداخلية لتصديهم بحزم وجدية لكل المظاهرات بدون ترخيص كما يحدث في كل دول العالم المتحضر لان كل المظاهرات التي تخرج بدون ترخيص مظاهرات مدفوعة الاجر من منظمات خارجية لخلق حالة من عدم الاستقرار داخل البلاد‏.‏

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لأقباط متحدون