تماضر جوهر

  14 يوليو 2005

صفحة كُتاب الأقباط متحدون


The Van Goch Killing is not over


By:Tomader GOHAR

Nothing could have been more appalling and more evident to the western nations on the real threat of Islam to these societies than the declaration made today by Theo Van Goch’s killer before the court when he confessed that he does not regret the murder and that he would repeat it over and over if he was set free. He further emphasized that he acted according to his religious belief. Moreover, with all tyranny and ruthlessness he addressed Theo’s mother saying that he does not feel at all her grief.
Such declarations should lead us to a firm stand, as they reveal many important underlying threats; the major being the defiance of this criminal to the judiciary and democratic system of the country, and I mean by judiciary here the penalty that the court may inflict on the culprit, as it is also bound by the democratic principles that value the human life, and thus has abolished the death penalty. Therefore, the maximum this criminal will get would be some years of imprisonment in a luxurious prison that would treat him humanly despite his monstrous act, and the criminal knows that. The criminal here has defied twice the democratic system of the country; once by killing Theo for his right of expression, and secondly by using the penalty code of a democratic state to abuse of the court.
Since the September 11 attacks and the Moslems of the world has been presenting themselves as victims of Islamophobia. They even managed to pass a resolution at the Human Rights Commission against Islamophobia. Quite ironic that after the London attacks, Moslems are still propagating this image and propagating fears that they might be mistreated and misjudged by the British community. So far, western nations have been abiding with the democratic rule of law and have been giving those immigrants or refugees their full constitutional rights in a way never experienced in their mother land. Yet, these people took advantage of the democratic system and rule of law in these nations to prevail and rule in their mischievous way. 
This incident, as well the London attacks, should trigger valid questions by the western nations and its peoples. They should consider effective ways to uproot terrorism by legislating a law that permits the withdrawal of the nationality from the terrorists and all their family members regardless of the time they have passed within their immigrant country and regardless of being a second generation. On the other hand, requests for naturalization should not be granted automatically, and immigration laws should be tightened and candidates should be very well screened. 
The terrorists are playing a very dangerous game by placing a hard choice for the west. Either abiding to the rule of human rights which may keep in life many of these terrorists, or compelling them to adopt hard line laws that may not be in compliance with the human rights system. Yet, the west need not prove any tolerance or prove the prevail of the democratic law, but it needs to act firmly and fast before time comes when terrorists have taken over the rule and killed democracy and tolerance, the two pillars for a modern state.

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Copts United

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