تعرض ملجأ "حيوانات لبنان" لأضرار بعد انفجار مرفأ بيروت كما أصيبت بعض القطط الموجودة داخله بجروح وتم نقلها للمشفى على الفور.

وانضم فريق من المتطوعين لمساعدة الحيوانات المتضررة بالكارثة ومساعدة أصحابهم في إيجاد حيواناتهم الأليفة التي ضاعت إثر الانفجار.
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Major explosion rocks Beirut! Government now declares Beirut a disaster city. At 6:00 this afternoon a major explosion at the port rocked all of Beirut. Initial reports of over 70 dead and 4,000 injured. Entire buildings and homes were destroyed, and significant damage throughout the whole city. What happened is absolutely shocking. Our hearts go out to everyone. Animals Lebanon’s office was damaged and windows blew out. Animals were injured from the glass and there were bloody prints everywhere by the time we could make it to the office. We rushed some animals to the vet for urgent care from the cuts. Our team is now out in Beirut helping people whose pets were injured or lost in the explosion. If you need help email your phone number and location and any details to contact@animalslebanon.org We are organizing teams tomorrow to help with injured or lost pets. If you can join in tomorrow to assist email your number to contact@animalslebanon.org Support us through PayPal - https://www.animalslebanon.org/get-involved/more-ways-to-give We will share more updates when we can. #lebanon #majorexplosion #animalwelfare #animalslebanon

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وقام الملجأ بإيجاد عشرات الحيونات التي اجتمعت بأصحابها فيما بعد.
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Call for SEARCH PARTY Photo shows happy reunion from yesterday search! Our hearts go to all the people who were affected, go to all those who lost people, those who were injured and those who lost their homes. But there are also the animals that need help. Many pets were lost or injured during the explosion and they still need help. Animals Lebanon team has been on the ground since yesterday organizing search teams for all the displaced pets during this horrific disaster. We got countless reports of helpless people who lost everything they have including their pets. We want to help as much as possible and we know many people who also want to help. If you want to join our search party please meet us: The team is on the ground today too! Gathering point - Hawa chicken Ashrafieh Time – 2 pm Many more volunteers are needed!! If you want to join the search team send us your number to contact@animalslebanon.org and we will coordinate Bring your mask, water, solid shoes and cage carriers / leashes if you have. And if you can help with car or motorcycle to move the animals. STAY SAFE #lebanon #majorexplosion #ALreacuesearchteam #reacueaearchteam #animalwelfare #animalslebanon

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كما تم إنقاذ بعض الحيوانات من البيوت المدمرة والتي قد توفي أصحابها، وذكر موقع "حيونات لبنان" على إنستغرام إن الفريق لم يتمكن إنقاذ بعض الحيوانات التي نفقت بسبب وقوعها من مبنى، لكن عمليات البحث مستمرة وهناك حالات ناجحة.
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SEARCH PARTY - all this week Our hearts will always be with the people, those who got affected, those who lost people, those who were injured and those who lost their homes. But there are also the animals that need help. Many pets were lost or injured during the explosion and they still need help. People are calling on us daily to help rescue their own pets who got stuck or lost during the explosion Animals Lebanon team has been on the ground since day one organizing search teams for all the displaced pets during this horrific disaster. Over 200 volunteers have been with us on the ground, coming from all over Lebanon and we are so grateful for their amazing support! Our efforts have reunited over 80 animals with their guardians. So many of the guardians have been injured and were so happy to see their pets again. Our team has also been leaving out food and water at several stations around the affected area for the animals that have yet to be found. Search and Rescue will continue today and all this week! WE URGENTLY NEED VOLUNTEERS with MOTORCYCLES to help us move around the affected areas. Gathering point - next to Hawa chicken Ashrafieh/Tabaris - our tent is set up in the small garden after hawa chicken Time – 12:30 pm Contact us at contact@animalslebanon.org for help if: - You are looking for your lost pet - If there is an injured animal. we will cover the cost - You need food and supplies for your pet - You have found a pet that you believe belongs to someone To help us continue our mission please DONATE through PayPal - https://www.animalslebanon.org/get-involved/more-ways-to-give Dog in photo was found and we are trying locate his guardians. STAY SAFE #beirutexplosion #lebanon #searchandrescue #alsearchandrescue #animalrescue #animalwelfare #animalsearchandrescue #animalwelfare #animalslebanon

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ومن بين القصص الكثيرة هناك قصة المحامية ياندي صفير التي لم تجد قطها بعد عودتها من المشفى ومن ثم تبين أنه عالق ثلاثة أمتار تحت الأرض وقد أخرجه المتطوعون من المأزق وجمعوه بصاحبته بعد أسبوع من فقدانه.
وقالت رئيسة المنظمة ماغي شعراوي، لوكالة فرانس برس، أن الكثير من الحيوانات في حالة صدمة بعد الانفجار فمنها التي تقفز من الشرف ومنها التي تمتنع عن الطعام.
ونشر موقع الملجأ مقاطع فيديو لقطة شعرت بالانفجار قبل ثوان من حدوثه وحاول الهروب.
ويقدم المركز الطعام والرعاية الطبية للحيوانات الأليفة المتضررة من الانفجار.