أشرف حلمي
يخوض الإنتخابات البرلمانية المحلية لولاية نيو ساوث ويلز ( مستقلاً ) ، الناشط الحقوقي السيد ميلان ماكسيموفيك ، أسترالي من أصول صربية ، كمرشح مسيحي لمجلس الشيوخ ضمن المجموعة " E “ والمقرر لها يوم السبت الموافق ٢٥ مارس المقبل ، ويذكر ان السيد ماكسيموفيك معروف لدى الجالية القبطية بمدينة سيدني عاصمة ولاية نيو ساوث ويلز ، دافع عن حقوق المسيحيين المضطهدين فى دول أسيا وافريقيا ومنها أقباط مصر ، حصل على الوسام العام في أستراليا عام ٢٠٢١ ، لعمله الإنساني خلال حرائق الغابات الضخمة في أستراليا ،

وقال ماكسيموفيك انه تقدم للأنتخابات للمحافظة على أطفالنا من التعاليم الخاطئة والإيمان المسيحي والعمل علي وقف السخرية والهجوم علي المعتقدات المسيحية التي ذادت خلال السنوات القليلة السابقة وكان آخرها قبل أيام علي القناة العاشرة التلفزيونية فى برنامج " المشروع " ، وأكد ميلان ان المجموعة " E “ تضم أولياء أمور تحتاج الي دعم المجتمع خلال الانتخابات للعمل علي خلق مستقبل أفضل لأطفالنا وعائلاتنا ومجتمعنا .

Milan Maksimovic is running in the coming state election as an independent 

Ashraf Helmey
Milan Maksimovic is well known activist to the Coptic community. His petition “Egypt has to STOP the relentless attacks on Coptic Christians” reached to President Trump and President Sisi.
He was awarded Australia citizen of the year medal in 2021 for his humanitarian work during huge bushfires in Australia.
Milan said "Weve lost trust in all the major parties. They dont represent us - they only represent the powerful. We need a new kind of politics, one thats built around the values of families and working people. Our family and our faith are everything to us, and that is why I am standing in this election."
He added: "As a parent, Im tired of seeing our children exposed to harmful influences and the sexualisation of our culture. We need to take action now, to protect our kids and build a better future for all of us."
The group is also acutely aware of the financial pressures that families are currently facing. Milan mentioned the devastating impact of 10 interest rate increases in the past 10 months, which have made everything more expensive and resulted in a scarcity of work. The group believes that the current economic climate is hurting and destroying families, and they are committed to finding solutions to these pressing issues.
"We know that many families are struggling to make ends meet, and were determined to find ways to alleviate the financial pressure theyre facing," said lead candidate Milan. "Our campaign will focus on supporting working families, creating new jobs, and providing assistance to those who are struggling."
The group is optimistic about the future, despite the challenges that lie ahead. They believe that by working together and staying true to their values, they can build a better future for their children and their community.
"Were not politicians - were parents and community members who want to make a difference," said Milan. "We believe that by working together, we can create a brighter future for our families and our community."
Milan also emphasized the importance of community support in the groups campaign for children and families.
"We cannot stop these attacks on our Christian values and families on our own," said Milan. "We need your support to stand behind us. This is our chance to have a community voice and make a real difference in the lives of families and children. We urge every parent, every working person, and every member of our community to join us in this fight."

Group E is group of concerned parents who want to protect children from any harm, to protect our families from hardship and to protect our faith which more and more under attack.