جورج المصري

  6 مايو 2005

صفحة كُتاب الأقباط متحدون


Is it true an Islamist Apologized to Daniel Pipes?


By George El Masri

In an article written by Dr. Daniel Pipes in the New York Sun July 19, 2005. He wrote, “Something possibly unprecedented has occurred in the battle with radical Islam. A leading Islamist organization has retracted its slurs against me and issued a public apology. This offers a small but important step in blocking the advance of Islamic extremism.” He added at the end of his article “I took a different route. Backed by the Heenan Blaikie law firm of Toronto and the Can West Global Communications Corporation, Stan Fisher of Heenan Blaikie sent a libel notice in early May to Ms. Valiante, the CIC, and the CIC's chairman, Mohamed Elmasry. On June 10, the CIC published an apology and retraction: "The Canadian Islamic Congress and Ms. Valiante apologize without reservation and retract remarks in the column that suggest that Dr. Daniel Pipes is a follower of Hitler or that he uses the tactics of Hitler or that he wants to ethnically cleanse America of its Muslim presence." The CIC also sent funds to cover my legal expenses and made a donation in my honor to a Canadian charity.” To this extent, I think this considered good news to Dr Pipes; however, for someone like me it does not represent any true achievement. On the contrary, I see the CIC is taking new route when they are forced to apologize through legal action. No matter what you could imagine, dreaming in Technicolor, an Islamist would apologize!!!. They are relentless; they retire to comeback and jump over their victim when it is secured. In Toronto last week, there was a conference on terrorism attended by 1500 people from all over the world. During this conference, one of the renowned guest speakers who is an expert from Scotland Yard told the audience” The security forces around the world must win 100% all the time”. When you hear about unsuccessful attempts, it does not mean there were no other attempts. Of course, there were other attempts stopped before they cause such damage. Do not let such forced apology foul you, do not put down your armors do not leave your posts.  To my knowledge, the so-called Mohamed Elmasry is hoping to implement the Islamic laws in Canada, he himself hoping to run for one of the political parties and win a seat in the Canadian Parliament. Nevertheless, it seems after putting himself in a hot water several times with the Jewish community in Canada none of the political parties would dare to nominate him as an official candidate. Mind you, the Canadian New Democratic Party (NDP) nominated and supported a wife of a suspected terrorist to run for them in the Ottawa South riding. Later the brother of the Ontario province premier’s won it. The lefty NDP party made all what they could to gather the Muslim vote in Canada by showing this woman in all of the party’s elections propaganda. They were under the assumptions she would win the estimated 50,000 Muslim votes, as these are the static’s say. But she ended up with 7000 votes and these are all Muslim votes in a riding they said Muslims dominated it. I always argued the number of Muslims in North America truly excoriated. As we all know under democratic laws you can’t ask an individual of his religious beliefs, therefore where such numbers come from? In every municipal survey done every couple of years, one of the questions in the survey asks about the languages spoken in every household? Every time someone writes Arabic, Urdu, or any of the common Muslim countries languages the foolish statistician accounts them for Muslims. Which is a wrong assumption; the reason is that 80% of the Arabic-speaking immigrants from the Middle East are Christians left their homeland because of persecution by the Muslim majority.  On another hand, the Canadian Muslims congress and other Islamic Associations, fool the system in every occasion by gathering as much as Muslim women and young girls age 9 wearing the Veil (Hejab) and ensure to have large signs in the spots where the network cameras are. As for why they choose women and Children, is because people usually do not feel any aggression against women and children and at the same time they are very distinct in their Islamic cloths. Imagine if you have 15 dandelions in your acre of lawn fully bloomed would not you call the weed-man for an emergency call. This is it: allusion and deceiving their way to go. If you do not know what lying “Takeia” means then you are in kindergarten knowledge about Islam.


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