جورج المصري

31  أغسطس 2005

صفحة كُتاب الأقباط متحدون


Hurricane Islamica in the heart of North America
George El Masri


Hurricane Islamica sends terror in the heart of North America, and no one even care rescuing America. It is causing death and destruction more than Hurricane Katrina.

It seems that the most fundamental basis of democracy is being challenged by the growing Islamic presence in the heart of North America. Michigan USA and Windsor Canada In particular are the predominantly Islamic states in the heart of North America. If these states are growing by people who believe in democracy and the American / Canadian system, wouldn’t really be concerned. You are challenged to have a closer look at what is happening there.

Why they choose Michigan and Windsor Ontario?

They are in the heart of North America and therefore I sense a classic story of Islamic invasion on the democratic countries in North America USA and Canada.

Who is funding the Islamic boom in this spot? It is the Saudi Arabia ruling family, and the Libyan dictator? Yes, this is not fiction, it is very true.

The small city of Windsor has 56,000 Muslims who came as refugees from the USA? They originally came to the USA thru its borders, and then they came to Canada to suck the welfare money the naive government of Canada provides for these fake refugees.

Imagine Libya spent closer to 70 million dollars to build an Islamic center in Windsor? My question here is WHY?

Then why Saudi Arabia spent closer to 250 Million dollars building the biggest Islamic center in the heart of America? At the time, they did not spend half of such amount of money to help their Muslim brothers who suffered from the tsunami.

Do you know why they invest heavily on these projects? I do not think many people have even give this any thoughts, and I do not think the governments of the US or Canada have any idea of what is going on.

Then read this statement in the opening page of the http://www.msa-national.org/

Once a Muslim cleric told a group of Christians in a meeting called by the Christian trying to get closer ties with their Muslim neighbors in Michigan “ The Cleric said “Thanks to your democracy we will defeat you infidels and thanks to our Islamic laws we will dominate you”.  


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Copts United

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