د.  صبرى فوزى جوهرة

  2 يونيو  2005

صفحة كُتاب الأقباط متحدون


A Professional advice from reputed surgeon to Egypt’s President


 The Egyptian regime is falling. The snow balling demonstrations in the big cities and the open challenge to the government are becoming more frequent and attracting more protestors.


For the government thugs to attack demonstrating opposition women, tear off their clothes and grope them in the streets is an indication that the regime is reaching a state of desperation. The Egyptian may endure a lot of insults and hardships but not the public humiliation of his women. The Coptic uprising of December 2004 to return the miserable Wafaa Costantine is an example of how the otherwise docile Egyptian  can rise in the defense of his honor. The Wednesday, June 1, 2005 demonstration in front of the Journalists Syndicate in Cairo, when black donning Egyptians gathered protesting wthat they rightly perceived as violation of their honor, is an example of the same.


Meanwhile, the regime tried to defuse a very serious crisis, but its attempts came as stupid as they were unsuccessful. A certain Soliman Awwad, said to be a spokesman for the Presidency, tried to mitigate the assaults and insults by coming up with the most ridiculous explanation /excuse. The attacks, he said, have been exaggerated by the press. He did not elaborate what about them exactly that was exaggerated. Is it the fact that the victimized women were not stripped off totally naked in the streets of Cairo? Or that only one of their breasts, and not the two, was groped?  The well documented assaults were then not as odious and despicable as all the Egyptians felt! Although Mr. Awwad did not quiet say it, but he was probably hinting to the fact that what was reported in the press and was seen on television, was not true.  As usual, these were lies and illusions propagated by a Zionist, imperialist, Crusader conspiracy to tarnish Egypt's reputation and discredit the regime's impeccable achievements in the area of human right protection and the implementation of long awaited and badly needed democratic reforms of the moribund and sclerotic political system.  


 These moronic acts of the government are accelerating its demise. While it is not new for this regime to act stupidly, it can not afford to do this anymore. Unfortunately for the current authorities, times are not the same as they were in the past. The cries for freedom and democracy are reverberating all over the globe from Lebanon to Georgia and from Sudan to Central Asia. Peoples are not afraid of tyrants anymore. The trend of History in our times is against oppression of nations and individuals. The sooner the Egyptian authorities understand and act on these facts the better off they will be and the less suffering will Egypt endure. If the current masters of Egypt insist on holding tight to their chairs they will have to accept a price. The price this time seems nothing less than a brain transplant. A procedure that has not been tried on humans before, at least not successfully, but desperate situations demand desperate solutions.


The Egyptian is peaceful and forgiving by temperament, but as Omm Kolthoom once said it: Lel Sabr 7edood (there are limits as how patient one can be.) These limits are being exceeded. Let us watch for the deluge.


    Sabry Fawzy Gohara, M.D., FRCSC


E-Mail: info@copts-united.com

Copts United

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