I am born
- I
am born free
- Above the rules of nature
- I am born free
- Above your arrogance
- Above your ignorance
- Above your fanaticism
- Your blasphemous hand
- Shall not affect me
- Your ruthless blow
- Shall not touch me
- With all the love
- I’ve got in me
- With the belief that
- I am born free
- I shall build dams
- Against your floods
- Plant new forests
- After your fires
- Construct bigger cities
- After the Hurricane
- I am born free
- Despite your terror
- The freedom of my soul
- Shall imprison you
- The freedom of my mind
- Shall entangle your brain
- The freedom of my thoughts
- Shall leave you breathless
- You can burn a church
- You can burn a mosque
- You can burn a theatre
- You can burn a brothel
- Yet, my freedom
- Shall set you free