الأقباط متحدون - كيف تستقبل العام الجديد
أخر تحديث ١٨:٢٣ | الجمعة ١ يناير ٢٠١٦ | ٢٢ كيهك١٧٣٢ ش | العدد ٣٧٩٤ السنة التاسعة
إغلاق تصغير

كيف تستقبل العام الجديد

للأديب والشاعر فايز البهجورى
الى الأصدقــاء والزمــلاء والقــراء
قالـوا : تقـول الشعـر؟  قلت : أقوله من نصف قرن قد مضى
قالـوا: و ما هى أمنــياتك للأحبـّة بعد عــــام انــقضــــــى ؟
قلـت : الـتـرّقى  فى  الحياة مع السعادة والمسرّة والرضـا
يتمتعـون بصحة ، هى نعـمـة تبـقى على طـول المــدى
واليسـر فى أحـوالهم.. ونشاطهم ..  ويحقـقـون المقصــدا
ويقدمـون الـنـصـح  للقـراء  فيمـا يكـتـبــون مجـددا
The song of the new year
By Fayez Albahgoury
 One year   has gone.
And now  comes another one.
So sit and think
about what you have done.
All through the year
which has just run.
What mistakes you made.
What good you did.
What works  you finished.
What words you said.
The good things you did
still do them that way.
The  bad words you said
don’t repeat any day.
And learn a good lesson
from all you have done.
All through the year
which  has just run .
Think about your friends,
how you dealt with them.
Think about your enemies,
which way you treated them.
If you found your way
wasn’t nice, wasn’t true.
Then change your way
to the best you can do.
And receive the new year
with a new beautiful heart.
With a smile so big .
With  a feeling  so smart.
And live happy days
with the new born year ,
until  you say again,
“Welcome, new year.”
One year has gone
and comes another one.
Then sit and think
about what you have done
all through the year
which has just run.

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